Duel 2016 - Ostrava

Written by Super User

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The following two pdf files contain the general report of Duel 2016 in Ostrava. The first file is the English version, the second file is in Czech.

General Report (English)

General Report (Czech)


The Czech TV was at the competition in Ostrava in 2016 to produce a news item, in which some participants and teachers were interviewed. The following link forwards to the news video, the item about the Duel competition begins at minute 136:30 and lasts to minute 138:40.

Studio ČT24 - 13. 3. 2016


Official Mathematial Duel 2016 Problems and Solutions document

Problems and Solutions


A report of the whole competition was written by Daniel Horiatakis, a student of BRG Kepler, in German.

Report of the competition by a student (German)

duel 2016 image 1duel 2016 image 2


A report of Sunday was written by Adrian Steinmann, a student of BRG Kepler, in German.

Report of Sunday (German)


Johannes Trattner, a student from BRG Kepler Graz, who participated at Mathematical Duel 2016 wrote a report of Monday in German.

Report of Monday (German)