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Mathematical Duel 2017
This diploma thesis deals with problem solving and possible methods of teaching and learning
this aspect of mathematics education at school. Special attention is devoted to particularly
talented and interested pupils in connection to problem solving as a method of gifted education
in the teaching of mathematics.
After an introduction to the issue of problem solving and brief insights into topics related to it,
the tasks used in the survey are explained in the main part, followed by the analysis of the
information concerning problem solving strategies. This data was collected via a survey
conducted with participants who are currently students from the 7th until the 12th grade.
In addition, data concerning differences and similarities between the two groups of participants
contesting in the "Mathemtical Duel" as well as pupils who are not attending a special
mathematical course is investigated.
Based on the findings of the survey, further conclusions are drawn as to which aspects appear
to be particularly important when solving problems within the field of mathematics education.
Paper of Mathematical Duel 2017 in Graz by Evita Hauke
This diploma thesis examines the influence of creativity and intelligence on math-This diploma thesis examines the influence of creativity and intelligence on math-ematical giftedness. After a first introduction into the theories of creativity andintelligence, models and researches of creativity in mathematics, additional to math-ematical giftedness and mathematical thinking and problem-solving processes fol-low. Furthermore, the relation between creativity and intelligence is described. Thepractical part of this thesis deals with the testing of mathematical gifted pupils,who took part in a mathematical competition (the Mathematical Duel) in march,2017. The test consisted of two parts, the creativity part (Test zum schöpferischenDenken; TSD-Z) joined with an intelligence part (Advanced Progressive Matrices;APM-Test). The hypothesis of this survey claims an approximately even influenceof creativity and intelligence on the outcome of the Mathematical Duel within thecontestants. For a positive grading in different criterias of the TSD-Z, abilities forcreativity were observed. Additionally, their influence on the results of the Mathe-matical Duel were investigated. To counter-proof this hypothesis the findings of allthree tests (Mathematical Duel, TSD-Z and APM) were correlated.
Paper of Mathematical Duel 2017 in Graz by Lilith Schindler
Mathematical Duel 2016
"Mathematical giftedness – Investigation of the consistency between self- and external evaluation respectively and performances in a test and comparison of students of BRG Kepler with participants of the competition “Mathematical Duel” Gifted children, and especially mathematically gifted children, are fascinating and frequently they amaze their social environment. Scientists however assume that up to 50% of all highly gifted children remain unrecognized and turn into so called underachievers. This means they cannot deliver the performance their cognitive abilities would allow. For this reason, this diploma thesis aims at finding out who can best identify mathematical giftedness. On the basis of an empirical study it is found that neither the students themselves, teachers, fellow students nor grades in mathematics can give satisfactory information about mathematical giftedness. The rating of these groups of people can only hint at possible giftedness; however, they have to be verified by tests. Furthermore, this thesis sheds light on the question whether students who take part in measures of advancement can perform better in a test on giftedness. The participants of the mathematical competition Mathematical Duel actually did achieve distinctly better results in each component of the tests than the students of BRG Kepler. Thus it can be seen that the advancement has a visible positive effect on the students, which underlines the importance of such measures."
["Mathematische Begabung", diploma thesis by Marie-Christine Maierbrugger, Karl-Franzens University Graz, page 6]
Paper about mathematical giftedness by Marie-Christine Maierbrugger, Karl-Franzens University Graz
Mathematical Duel 2015
At Mathematical Duel 2015 in Chorzow all participants were part of a psychological study. The participants took part at an intelligence test. The aim was to find out the connection between gender and mathematical achievements. The full paper is accessable at this link.
Paper about the connection between gender and mathematical achievements by University of Silesia